Moving into Your College Dorm or Apartment – Hire a Mover
At Pony Express Moving we have 19 years of experience moving college students in and out of dorms and apartments locally or out of state. There are more colleges in Boston than any other city in the world. We have helped students from all over on move in day. Hiring a professional mover means you don’t have to carry boxes to and from the car back and forth. It means you won’t have to beg your friends with a pick up truck or a van, and it allows you to bring as much as you want to your new space.
Here are some tips to make things even smoother:
1. Don’t Double Up
Find our what furniture your school provides so you only pack what you need. There is no use moving heavy objects like appliances and furniture that will already be available to you. Talk to your roommate to see what they are bringing and work together to buy what you need.
2. Get there early.
Don’t sleep in! Be prepared for moving day by having everything packed in advance. Eat a good breakfast and get out the door. For first year students, expect total chaos in your new dorms. Getting there early will help you beat the line and the crazy parking at your new home away from home. The closer you can park to the dorm or apartment, the shorter the distance you will have to carry things.
3. Think Ahead Of Time
If you don’t like the idea on sleeping on a used mattress that the school provides, you are going to want to bring your own mattress and bed frame. If you are bringing any furniture along with you, they will fit best in moving trucks and vans. Know ahead of time and tell your mover what to expect.
4. Stay Organized
Use a checklist to keep your move organized. Write it out in advance and use it to help you pack. You don’t want to forget anything at home. Think out of the box to make sure you’ll have everything you need to live away from home. Label all of your boxes so you know where everything is. This will help you pack and unpack and know what’s breakable.
For more information about moving into your new college dorm or apartment in the Boston area, contact Pony Express at 617-983-8700